The Benefits of Digital Document Conversion and Management for Litigation
Here’s just a few of the benefits of converting to a paperless office for your legal practice:
Minimize or Eliminate Duplicate Files and Copying Costs
Document management systems give you the ability to add version control to any document for every case so you can meticulously track all changes made to document. This could include time/date stamps, who accessed the file, and even the changes to text within the document.
Increased Visibility Within Your Firm
Digital documents can be shared instantly to multiple attorneys and employees, allowing you to eliminate the need for multiple paper copies of any file. If you need to print any document, scanned documents can usually be converted to a .PDF document and printed within seconds of scanning the file.
Save Space and Increase Productivity
Filing cabinets take up precious space in the office- use digital document management systems to free up space for your administrative staff, and streamline the process of finding and distributing case files.
Increased Document Security
The sensitive nature of documents that contain personal information and facts about the case can be secured instantly. Upon being scanned into a DMS, each file can be encrypted and password-protected. You can also set security clearance levels to ensure lower-level employees don’t have access to confidential files.
Reduced Discovery
eDiscovery along with other early case assessment tools can help minimize the time it takes to get through the discovery process, and ensure that all the proper information is disclosed safely and securely.
Go Green!
Document scanning allows you to reduce the carbon footprint of your office- use electronic documents to eliminate paper-intensive processes and reduce the replication of files.
Virtually any document management service offers OCR Conversion along with Conversion to PDF, which makes editing, updating, managing, and distributing any file affordable and hassle-free.
(Source Records Nations)