Service Delivery Automation; A solution to the bottom line saga

The biggest headache in any private organisation is how to continually increase the bottom line. This is the sole reason why people are laid off, they played around with elements relating to the bottom line!
Board meetings are laced with conversations in many languages all relating to the language that is the bottom line. How to grow the numbers, how to reduce expenses but maintain or increase the quality of output that retains the customer and edges them to pay more. In all the years since the industrial revolution, this question has been heard time and again and the answer is service delivery automation!
SDA has been tried and tested as a brilliant means to contain costs and reduce them to manageable levels while at the same time increasing profits for any organisation.
In the simplest definition, service delivery automation is use of technology to replace a series of actions carried out by humans. It is basically replacing good old manpower with technology in service delivery. Automation is everywhere. Its quick adaption can be linked to the fact that it reduces errors in process, increases the speed of operations and can offer a 24 hour working environment.
Businesses continually need people to carry out very hard or labour taxing tasks in order to compete in the market and produce high quality products and remain on top. This has led to IT and software developers to create automated systems for almost everything.
Automation is simply creating machines that can do what human beings do naturally. Great everyday examples are cleaning and homecare automated machines like vacuum cleaners, dishwashers and washing machines. They make our lives simpler and give us time to focus on other things that make our lives worthwhile.
Every business environment needs automation in order to allow the organisation to focus on its core business. Examples of automated processes in business include the ERP- Enterprise Resource Planning Management systems that make interdepartmental work more efficient and seamless for the good of the customer. ERP systems also help track work processes and make them faster and more conservative in the use of finances and other resources to increase the bottom line. There are a huge variety of products that cut across all business operations including backup, management of console messages and simple systems like printing & scanning of hard copy documentation.
So, what can service delivery automation do for your organisation?
SDA systems can reduce the time it takes to recover your initial investment. This is because it can significantly reduce the cost of repetitive actions that are also high volume transactional processes. It creates a planned schedule that reduces the need to break the cycle and make random payments that eat into resources allocated to other roles. Most companies do not keep track of transactional costs which eat directly into the bottom line unnoticed.
Tracking expenditure through the automated service delivery system allows your organisation to free up financial & human resources to do other high level work to bring in higher revenues. The SDA system can be commissioned to track procedures and preserve processes that will alert finance on any overdue payments to and from the organisation. This will save quite a bit on fines and taxes by Government as well as any law suits from suppliers with pending payments.
Overall, the service delivery automation system will increase the speed of internal processes which in turn increase output of quality services to your customers. All organisations strive to create and maintain environments that make their clients happy enough to return for more service and tag their friends and associates along on their next visit.