Sacco Records and Information Management is a Division of Records and Information Management East Africa, majoring in Consulting and Training on Sacco Records and Information Management

The division is headed by a General Manager, and 4 regional managers.

Key Point Notes on Records Management in Saccos

  • One of the biggest symptoms of poor record management is the inability to trace the flow of money.
  • Businesses with poor record management practices are unable to set realistic goals because they have no idea what areas the business is excelling in and where changes need to be made.
  • Businesses that keep poor records often run into legal trouble with government agencies that deal with business licensing. Records are essential for governing the running of a business and need to be kept up to date.
  • When records slip through the cracks or aren’t properly tracked, companies can run into trouble with taxes and budgets—which then may ripple to handling payroll as well.
  • When you and employees waste time looking for lost records rather than working, you lose out on efficiency and money (since time is money) and ultimately hurt your bottom-line.
  • “Hope for the best, plan for the worst.” The larger businesses and their record archives are, the more important it is that there’s a backup plan in place for it their primary copies of records are somehow destroyed or lost—which can force companies to come to a grinding halt or even close their doors if they’re lost permanently.

Main Services to the Saccos

  • Setting up Records Centers and Archives for Saccos
  • Developing Policies
    • Disaster Management Policies
    • Records Management Policies
    • Vital Records Management Policies
    • Retention Schedules
    • Electronic Document Management Policies
    • eBoard Solutions Policies
  • Records Inventory/Survey
  • Bulk Scanning/Digitization
  • Implementing Document Management Solutions
  • Information Security Consulting
  • Running a Sacco eResource
  • Preventive Maintenance
  • Conferences
  • Capacity Building
  • Inhouse Training for Board and Staff
  • Records Disposition

Contact us via: Mr. Bob Kihia (Head of Business- Sacco Records Management DIVISION)