CPD Points

What are CPD Points

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the ongoing process of developing and updating the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure competent professional practice.

How you acquire them

  • Participating in Industry Events
  • Attending Workshops, Seminars and Training
  • Attending Conferences
  • Research and article writing for rim-manager.com
Detail Event Hours CPD Points
Attending RIMEA Workshops/Training/Conference (Hosted by RIMEA or any Partner Institution or Professional Body)
Half a Day Workshop/Seminar/Training 3 3.75
1 Day Workshop/Seminar/Training 6 7.5
2 Days Workshop/Seminar/Training 12 18
3 Days Workshop/Seminar/Training 18 22.5
4 Days Workshop/Seminar/Training 24 30
5 Days Workshop/Seminar/Training 30 37.5
Research Works/Content Research paper submitted for publication on www.rim-manager.com (above 3 pages) 24 30
Article done for publication on www.rim-manager.com 3 3.75
Student support: Running a career talk for students, fellow professionals 10 12.5
Presenting/Facilitating RIMEA Events or Events by Partner Firms/ Associations/ Professional Bodies Facilitation 2 10
Moderating 4 5
Presenting 6 10