2nd Sacco ICT Managers Conference this August

RECORDS AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT E. AFRICA will hold its 2nd Sacco ICT Managers Conference on Governance, ICT and Business Process Management, August 2016 Governance, Information Technology, Business Process Management Seminar for Sacco ICT managers at The Clarion Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya from the Wednesday 16th to 18th August 2016.
RIMEA is a leading consultancy and training institution in Records Management, Information Management, Governance, Information Technology, Business Process Management and Records Audits impacting organizations with knowledge key to; improved service delivery, reduced cost of operations, automation of processes, digitization of records, auditing of records and processes.
The 3 Day Conference Covers:
- Governance and Professional Development for Sacco ICT,
- Strategic Plan Implementations
- Digitisation of SACCO Processes to Create Value.
- Information Security
- Business Process Management and Re-Engineering
For more information: rimeastafrica@gmail.com or info@rimeastafrica.org or cell +254770694598