Explaining the EDRMS

2nd Electronic Document Management Systems Workshop: Digitizing Records and Automation of Processes & Workflows (14th to 18th November 2016)
Electronic document and records management system (EDRMS) refers to the use of content management system by combining technologies used in document management and records management as an integrated system. Basically,an EDRMS is an automated, electronic document and records management system that enables organisations to manage unstructured information captured in paper and electronic formats, such as emails, word processed and spreadsheet contents.
Examples of EDRMS include; TRIM (Hewlett Packard), e-Docs and LiveLink (Open Text), Objective (Objective Corporation), and SharePoint (Microsoft) all offer functionality to manage paper and electronic documents and records.
EDRMS are effective in that they enable viewing of corporate documents and records in their native applications, so that a word-processing document or spreadsheet is viewed by the associated word-processing or spreadsheet application. EDRMS also have a viewing tool to enable the viewing of corporate documents and records in
formats that are not supported by the desktop applications, or are best displayed without loading the native application tool.
Currently EDRMS have undergone technological developments in computing that have led to the integration of EDRMS with other electronic systems. Examples of such integration include CAD drawing systems, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, enterprise resource management solutions (ERMS), geographical information systems (GIS), asset management systems, and a range of horizontal and vertical applications that supported business planning and operational and support systems’
Join us for the EDRMS Second Workshop in November. For more information contact us on info@rimeastafrica.org