Electronic Document Management Training in Uganda

Records and Information Management East Africa (RIMEA), will hold the 2nd EDMS Workshop (part of RIMEA Electronic Document Management Training) from the 15th to 18th August 2017 at the Imperial Resort, Entebbe, Uganda for Records Management Officers, Records Managers, Administration Officers, Information Scientists, ICT Managers, ICT Officers, Librarians and Knowledge Managers from both the private and public sector.
THEME: Electronic Document Management Systems: Using Records and Digitization to reduce inefficiency and curb corruption
Who will attend?
- Records Managers & Officers,
- Registry Clerks
- ICT Managers & Officers
- Librarians
- Knowledge Managers & Officers
- Administration Managers & Officers
Venue: Entebbe, Uganda – Imperial Resort
Dates: 15th to 18th August 2017
For more information call +254770694598 or email info@rimeastafrica.org rimeastafrica@gmail.com