5th EDMS Workshop: Electronic Document Management Systems Workshop
Records and Information Management East Africa (RIMEA), the Eastern Africa premier and pioneer institution in records and information management development, training and research will hold an EDMS Workshop: Digitizing Records and Automation of Processes & Workflows from the 22nd to 26th May 2017 at the Lake Naivasha, Panorama Park, Naivasha, Kenya for Records Management Officers, Records Managers, Administration Officers, Information Scientists, ICT Managers, ICT Officers and Knowledge Managers from both the private and public sector.
THEME: Electronic Document Management Systems: Using Records and Digitization to reduce inefficiency and curb corruption
All Participants nominated will automatically become members of RECORDS AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONALS IN EAST AFRICA– a network of records and information professionals in the region.
Confirmation & Payment
Please confirm by the 17th May 2017 your attendance
Bank details will be sent upon request.
E- don@rimeastafrica.org, info@rimeastafrica.org, Cellphone: +254770694598